Log in
var e400 = "You've entered an invalid account number. Please try again. ";
var e401 = "You've entered an incorrect verification code. Please try again. ";
var e402 = "Failed validation ";
var userNameExistsMessage = "The username already exists. Please enter another. ";
var accountNumberRegisteredMessage = "This account is already associated with another profile. ";
var invalidAccountDetailsMessage = "Invalid account details provided. Please correct. ";
var failedValidationMessage = "Please correct the error(s) below. ";
var invalidInformationErrorMessage = "Information provided does not match our records, please try again. ";
var registrationNotPossibleErrorMessage = "Registration not possible. Please contact our Call Center. ";
var noQualifyingAccountsErrorMessage = "You currently have no qualifying accounts for online access. ";
var passwordRequirementsMessage = "Password does not meet minimum requirements. ";
var customerNumberRegisteredAlreadyMessage = "Business partner number of this account is already associated with another profile. ";
var primaryAccountNumberRegisteredMessage = "This account is already associated with another profile as the primary account holder. If you are the primary account holder please contact us at Contact Us. ";
var secondaryAccountNumberRegisteredMessage = "This account is already associated with another profile as the primary account holder.Please contact us at Contact Us. ";
var failedToSendVerificationCodeErrorMessage = "There was an error sending your verification code. Please check your email address abd try again. ";
var requiredCommericalFieldsErrorMessage = "Please enter company name and Federal Tax ID. ";
var requiredResidentialFieldsErrorMessage = "Please enter driver's license number or last 4 of social security number or street number. ";